Geographic Append (Geocoding) Service

Add Rooftop Lat/Long Coordinates for Location Intelligence

Geographic Append is Available as an Automated FTP Service

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Geographic Append (Geocoding) Service

Unlock the value of the U.S. and international addresses in your database by appending precise rooftop latitude and longitude coordinates and other location data. Send us your file and our Service Bureau will enrich it with lat/long, tract and block numbers and other data. Use your enriched file to:

  • Power a dealer locator so a customer can find the closest store to their location
  • Map customer or sales territory clusters to determine marketing and support activities
  • Gather marketing analysis and business intelligence for better targeted marketing campaigns
Send Melissa your files and we will append and enrich with latitude-longitude, tract and block numbers and other data.

How Geocoding Works

Our Geocoding service enriches your data by converting postal addresses to precise latitude-longitude coordinates. This service is also available via Automated FTP Processing with a turnaround time of just minutes. Send your file to us via secure online link. Upload file here.

How Melissa Direct Geocoding Append Service Works

U.S. Geocoding Pricing

International Geocoding Pricing

Want to Know More? Contact our data specialists at 1-800-635-4772

Clean & Enhance Your List -
Easy as 1-2-3

  1. 1.  Upload Your File
  2. 2.  Choose Your Service and Pay
  3. 3.  We’ll Send You the Processed List

Turnaround is usually 2-3 business days.

Upload File Now  
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Geographic Append (Geocoding) Service


U.S. Geocoding

View Pricing & Info

International Geocoding

View Pricing & Info

All pricing is subject to change without notice and is in U.S. dollars. Please contact our nearest sales office for pricing.

Required & Returned Fields

Required Fields
Address, City, State, and 5-digit ZIP Code/postal code

Returned Fields
Latitude, Longitude and Geo Error

U.S. Only
ZIP +4, Census block (4 digit), Census tract, county FIPS